
Stopping Negative Thoughts........... Thought effects life in myriad ways. Negative thoughts inhabit growth.Then hobble friendship,create suspicions in relationships, prevent succeeding in job interviews and lead to failure at work and home.Researchers at UW Health, the integrated health systems of the university of Wis con-sin-Madison, have created a technique called thought stopping from spoiling your life. Since changing a thinking pattern takes time, the thought-stop-ping technique must be practiced every day. Can you stop your thoughts? yes, you can When an unwanted thought arises,focus on it and then say"STOP" to end it. Begin by shouting "STOP!" out loud. Slowly,you will learn to say it in your mind so that.This technique can be employed any where.The process has these steps: 1.List the worst thoughts in order of intensity.You want to stop distracting thoughts,but you are helpless to stop them. Write them down in order of the most stressful to